
Showing posts from 2015

I'm not a fan of teen dating

okay before you say anything, 1) yes I am in a relationship, and have been in the same one for a while. And 2) it used to drive me nuts when my mom would say this while I am still dating someone, but she has a point. Now lets move on to what I mean by teen dating. You will either fall into one of two categories. On one extreme you have worldly teen dating (WTD) and then you have purposeful dating (PD). WTD is what you see on TV and social media. It's the "what can I get from you/ what will you give me" mindset. These relationships are the "happy 1 week I love you so much bae". *gag me with a spoon*. I can say that these relationships are often meaningless and leave you heartbroken. I do not know from experience, but I see it way too often. This type of relationship that is formed is really a hazard, something that as Christian's, and just as people,we should flee from. Proverbs 4:23 tells us to guard our hearts. It really is true that what you put into y...

a worldly glutton

For my bible class we are going through the book titled "A Young Woman's Guide to Making Right Choices". I have to admit that some chapters or examples can be a little cheesy, but over all it is a good study and has sparked good conversations in class. Last week we discussed modesty and how it means different things to different people. I have been thinking about that a lot. Maybe modesty isn't necessarily how you physically dress. Maybe modesty is clothing yourself in faithfulness, gentleness, kindness, love, joy, peace, and patience. Or maybe it means to clothe yourself in the armor of God so you are always physically ready to fight the spiritual battles we do or don't face daily. Maybe modesty is mentally dressing yourself in ways that are not prideful or attention seeking.  Whatever your definition of modesty is, I think it also goes hand in hand with this week's chapter on gluttony. By definition, eating (v.) means to consume food for either nutritiona...

Psalm 4

I love Psalms. I have never read it all the way through, so that is something I am working on right now, verse by verse. In my bible, the 'title' of chapter 4 is "Answer Me When I Call". The whole chapter expresses quiet trust amid troubling circumstances.  Quiet trust amid troubling circumstances.  Notice the word quiet. There is a reason that 'quiet trust' was used instead of 'trust'. Think about what trusting God entails. If I trust him, chances are I will not be worried, or should not be anyway. If I truly trust God, I will be quiet because I know he will handle it. Our God hears, and not only hears, but listens. You are worth more than the sparrows. (Matthew 10:31)  He knows the number of hairs on your head. (Matthew 10:30) He knows when you lie down and when you rise. (Psalms 139:2)  Surely God of the universe knows your worries. He is handling it. Have a quiet trust. You have to place your problems at the foot of the cross and let it be.  ...

your platform

A few weeks ago I had the chance to attend a week long leadership camp also known as Super Summer!! I have my pictures from this week here -  ms super summer on vsco . {you can listen to the following link while reading, if you would like} Lauren Daigle// My Revival I am so very thankful I was able to spend a week surrounded by people who love the Lord & long to serve him. I was apart of Brown 1 and I had the sweetest small group and leader!  One of our last sessions was on missional living. It was probably my favorite session. We talked a lot about what our platform is. So I'm going to ask you, What is your platform? What platform has the Lord placed you on this season? Maybe you are a son, daughter, brother, sister, mother, father, student, employee, employer, teacher, friend, husband or wife. Chances are you have more than one. Whatever and where ever the Lord has placed you, you are there for a reason. Your reason is also a calling and command from...

becoming rich

I have found the best secret. I am doing my best to share this secret with the world. Today I will be telling you how to become rich. Yeah, that's right. Hopefully by the end of this post you will be able to make the right adjustments to your life so you too, can help spread the secret.  ~~~~~~~ I know, you probably clicked on this link thinking "what is she talking about"? I must be honest, I really don't know much in the financial department, you'll have to find someone more qualified than 16 year old me to help you. On to more important things, I want to share with you how to become truly rich. Not financially rich, but truly rich, are you feelin' me? The type of rich I am talking about is spiritually. Rich in faith, in love, in wisdom, in joy and peace, in the fruits of the spirit. All of these things only come from the Lord. To know true love and true wisdom and true joy and peace, you can only know such things through spending time with the...

my psalm 86 prayer

Sister, (and brother) we get weak. We become tired and worn. The struggle is so real. I mean the struggle of following Christ, but it is also so rewarding. It can often be discouraging to keep your fire when everyone is hiding their light under a basket or so it seems. I was reading Psalms 86 the other day and God really spoke to me. I feel like these words are things I should ask God for and praise him for daily. I took excerpts from the passage in Psalms and some are my own added words. Incline your ear, O Lord, and answer me. for I am poor and needy there is none like you, O Lord,  nor are there any works like yours for you are great and do wonderful things You alone are God Teach me your way, O Lord that I may walk in your truth unite my heart to fear your name I give thanks to you,  O Lord my God with my whole heart and I will glorify your name forever for great is your steadfast love toward me; you have delivered my soul from the depths of ...

my junior prom - Junior Journey Series

  A Night to Shine my twin ;) had to get that boy in there I was totally freaking out at this point because my shoe was stuck on my dress, thanks for helping me!! oh and there will be more to come!!! 


We do not deserve anything. All I can think of is this word. Entitlement. Give me. I need. I deserve. Mine. Want. Gotta have it. Give it to me. I hear these phrases way to often.  People in high authorities think they are entitled to the big bucks, nice cars, fancy houses.  Children believe that they can have the world, if only it would fit in their hands.  Teenagers have the mindset that they deserve freedom and privacy because they are almost adults. Those who do work think that they should not have to have money taken from them. Homosexuals think that they deserve to marry one another because they have a 'love' (temptation and sinful desires) for another.  Those who don't work think they should get money sent to them every month that is taken out of the working peoples' paychecks. Sinners think that they deserve to live a worry free life, to have everything they want to be thrown at them and to be happy. If I've learned something in my p...

A Relentless Pursuit

Recently I have been thinking a lot on what the Christian walk is to look like. How am I supposed to act, speak, think, live? For those of you who may not know me, I was saved at the ripe old age of 6. Let me define "saved": I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and asked Him to come and live in my heart.  I was baptized not too long after that, to show my church my public profession and to be obedient in believers baptism. I have grown up in the church, I've heard countless stories of the goodness of our Lord, and I have participated in many events within our church that have caused me to grow spiritually, physically, and mentally. (ex: bible drills, Sunday school, GA's, VBS, Wednesday nights, prayer walks, DNows, summer camps, etc.) So far in life I haven't had to experience too much heartache or bad times- I am very thankful that is so. I have also always been pretty sheltered and will probably continue to be- however, I am very thankful for this as w...

Super Seniors

Being a part of a Home Educators Association, we have a LOT of events, and even more when you're a Junior or Senior! Last night was the annual Senior dinner! I can only speak for myself, but it was SO fun!!! The theme was Marvel/Superheroes and I am so thankful that the guy's did not succeed when the idea of a hobo themed party came up... on the other hand, I am also thankful for all of the Moms that helped us throw this thing together, we couldn't do it without you!  Class of 2015 Hulk table Momma & I decorated!! sweet friends fam Savanah & Miss America (Female version of Captain America- Just to clarify) Miss America and Clark Kent!!! I am so glad I was able to be apart of this event, I really enjoyed being the seniors servant, I love serving those around me in any way possible!  I feel like I need to brag on the NWMHE Juniors and Seniors... Y'all, my fellow "class mates" and friends are some of the sweetest, kindest, ...

Pretty as a Picture

All of these "Snow days" (ha- homeschoolers have school anyway so..) are driving me nuts! Everything I look forward too keeps getting canceled and it's pretty upsetting, not gonna lie! However, It does make for some pretty pictures, I just wish there was a least some snow! This post is mainly just a mash up of all the pictures I have recently taken. I obsess over pictures & photography is my favorite hobby. So not wanting to keep you any longer, here ya go! ice covered trees!! wish we would have had snow! pumpkin wanted some "camera time" ice is just so beautiful   Lyd wanted to be my model & it was snowing!! (Even though you can't see it, its the thought that counts right?) "how am I supposed to pose?" "take a pic of me jumping" she's so cute :) probably my favorite!  She has such a personality!  OH and I love to have "models" to practice taking pictures of, so if anyone ...

My Junior Journey - Part 2

So as I continue on my Junior year (I still can't believe that I'm a junior!!!!) journey, I am trying to continually update my blog. On February 6, The Junior/Senior class had a fundraiser 50's Dance! It was So. Much. Fun.  Me & Savanah again! Tommy & I  The decorations for the dance were SO CUTE and overall was a big hit!!! On February 14, Valentines day, We had a bonfire. And by "we" I mean, Mary Cassidy, Briceton, Tommy, & I.  We had to take a selfie before-hand, of course! The Ladies & Gents pic of MC & HG feat. Briceton's truck. oh, just another pic of us... Yesterday, February 22... FBC youth went to Rock and Worship Road Show 2015 at the Lander's Center. We got to hear a few artist, then we had to leave because of the possible bad weather... it was kinda really disappointing, but at least we didn't go home in bad weather and were safe! God has a plan for everything~ We ha...

My Junior Journey - Part 1

This past weekend (January 30-31, 2015) I went with a few close friends to Benton, AR to participate in Praizfest 2015. Going into this weekend I had absolutely no idea what I was getting myself into. I was honestly having bad feelings and was super nervous about going. It wasn't until my mom reminded me to grab my bible that I felt an odd sense of relief.  left to right; William, Me, Casey, Claire, Dodger, Levi, Tommy, Mary Cassidy, Briceton After a 3/4 hour drive (not really sure, we were having fun just hanging out together) we stopped for dinner, then we were off to the Church!  When they keep you waiting.... you play duck, duck, goose. ....unless you're lame, you sit and watch the others play duck, duck, goose. After our break, we went to the Sanctuary to listen to our speaker, Bill, for the weekend. He spoke on Matthew 4:18-22. (ESV) 18  While walking by  the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon (who is called Peter) and...