becoming rich

I have found the best secret. I am doing my best to share this secret with the world. Today I will be telling you how to become rich. Yeah, that's right.
Hopefully by the end of this post you will be able to make the right adjustments to your life so you too, can help spread the secret. 

I know, you probably clicked on this link thinking "what is she talking about"? I must be honest, I really don't know much in the financial department, you'll have to find someone more qualified than 16 year old me to help you. On to more important things, I want to share with you how to become truly rich. Not financially rich, but truly rich, are you feelin' me?

The type of rich I am talking about is spiritually. Rich in faith, in love, in wisdom, in joy and peace, in the fruits of the spirit. All of these things only come from the Lord. To know true love and true wisdom and true joy and peace, you can only know such things through spending time with the Lord. 

My tips are pretty much the same that every person who shares my secret knows. Read your bible. Pray. Journal. We hear these all the time. There's a reason though, they aren't just "Sunday school answers" they're the real deal. The only way you can grow to be spiritually rich is to spend time with the Lord. Build a relationship with Him. He wants to know you. 

Sisters, Strive to be rich in faith, in love, in joy, peace, and wisdom and stop looking for the world's acceptance. 

-Hanna Grace <><

[Mark 12:31; James 2:5; Galatians 5:16-25; Hebrews 12:2]
