A Relentless Pursuit

Recently I have been thinking a lot on what the Christian walk is to look like. How am I supposed to act, speak, think, live?

For those of you who may not know me, I was saved at the ripe old age of 6. Let me define "saved": I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and asked Him to come and live in my heart.  I was baptized not too long after that, to show my church my public profession and to be obedient in believers baptism. I have grown up in the church, I've heard countless stories of the goodness of our Lord, and I have participated in many events within our church that have caused me to grow spiritually, physically, and mentally. (ex: bible drills, Sunday school, GA's, VBS, Wednesday nights, prayer walks, DNows, summer camps, etc.) So far in life I haven't had to experience too much heartache or bad times- I am very thankful that is so. I have also always been pretty sheltered and will probably continue to be- however, I am very thankful for this as well. I have been in the public school system, and after feeling like that was not where I was supposed to be, I am now home schooled. I have had so so many great opportunities to grow this past year, and nothing has been holding me back. I've gotten to learn and explore and think in ways that I never knew was possible. I feel like I have blossomed and I am so excited that I keep getting to meet new people and grow with them in Christ. With all of this being said, something has been on my heart and mind to share for a while.

Being a Christ follower is hard.

I know that those of you who are chasing after Jesus know the previously mentioned statement is true.

But its not supposed to be easy.

That statement is also true.

Sweet friends, living in the world is hard. We are constantly faced with things, I know some people are faced with worse things than I am, but each of our struggles are valid. I have constantly been feeling empty, sad, and weak, I've just needed my cup filled. I would come to the Lord over and over asking to be filled and then I would feel like I'm not. Maybe its not His fault, maybe its mine.

I think I have found my answer.

I try so hard. I read the word, listen to encouraging music, attend my church, repeat the cycle over and over asking God for help, and feel like i'm not being helped. But the answer is right in front of me. I'm too comfortable. I get into the cycle, I stay warm. Not cold, not on fire, just warm. Like laying-on-the-couch-under-fuzzy-blankets-in-the-winter warm. Comfortable. Just moving slightly to warm up a little more every once in a while. Sister that's not how we should be living, especially when it comes to our walk with God. It's time to take God out of all of the boxes we have put him in. It is time for believers to take God out of the box we shove him in. Take him out, see Him as GOD. That's who He is. Stand on the now empty box and reach for Him. Stop worrying if you will fall off of the box, just reach for Him. Search for Him in everything, start living for your ALMIGHTY God. The one whose steadfast love endures forever. (Psalms 136 reference).

Back to my initial question, How am I supposed to act, speak, think, live? Let's break this down.

Act:  I'm not supposed to be comfortable. I should be constantly ready for Jesus to call me home. I should be constantly growing, and If I am in a place where I have stopped growing, it is a-okay to leave.  He wants us to seek him. It's a Relentless Pursuit. (hence the title of this post hehe) Do not stop chasing after Him. Every part of me should be surrendered. You may say to me, but Hanna, do I really have to give everything?  I mean, I like my life, I am happy, I like my friends, I like the plans I have, the music I listen to, the parties I attend, the clothes I wear, the apps I use. But I will tell you, Did Jesus have to give everything? no, He did not. But did He? Yes, He did. And I believe that he would do it over and over and over and over again. Just for me. Its the fact that He gave everything for me and you. We should be willing to give everything for him. If we claim to love Him and to serve a God so big, we should continue to grow in Him and to act in love.
Rather, you must grow in the grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.... 2 Peter 3:18 
And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God. Philippians 1:9-11
Speak: I believe this is a big one. (other than how we should act). Our tongues can be the biggest weapon. In just a matter of seconds, you can praise God, curse him, build others up, tear them down, gossip, lie, steal someones happiness, or minister to the lost with just your tongue. Our prayer for one another should be that we learn how to guard such a powerful thing, and only speak to edify the church and one another.
Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from telling lies Psalms 34:13
Set a guard, O LORD, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips! Psalms 141:3 
Think:  There is this quote and it says something like "watch your thoughts, for they become your actions". I really believe that our thoughts have a big impact on us. I think the more you think on something, the more comfortable you become with the idea of said thing, which in turn, makes you more likely to participate in said thing. Fill your mind with encouraging thoughts and encourage others through your actions.
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Philippians 4:8
Live: I heard this song last night. Relentless Pursuit by Kim Walker. GUYS ITS SO GOOD. I feel like this song playing was a message from God, no doubt. How wonderful to get reminders that He is paying attention to our needs, even when we don't feel it. This song actually inspired this post, but here's why.

I can't take my eyes off of you
I can't take my mind off of youI'm hopelessly crazy in love for you,you,you,youYou've taken the keys and you've opened up all of meAnd now I'm running,I'm running after youThe love of my lifeOh you the love of my life
It's a relentless pursuit, relentless pursuit I will not stop chasing after youIt's a relentless pursuit, a passion in pursuitI will not stop chasing after you

Above is some of the lyrics from the song that I gave a link to. I feel like as believers we should be so wrapped in His love and pursuing Him with everything we have. After all, He gave everything, right? He's my source of Joy, let Him be yours, there's nothing else like it. 

I am filled, 

Hanna Grace <><
