your platform

A few weeks ago I had the chance to attend a week long leadership camp also known as Super Summer!! I have my pictures from this week here - ms super summer on vsco.

{you can listen to the following link while reading, if you would like}

I am so very thankful I was able to spend a week surrounded by people who love the Lord & long to serve him. I was apart of Brown 1 and I had the sweetest small group and leader! 

One of our last sessions was on missional living. It was probably my favorite session. We talked a lot about what our platform is. So I'm going to ask you, What is your platform?

What platform has the Lord placed you on this season? Maybe you are a son, daughter, brother, sister, mother, father, student, employee, employer, teacher, friend, husband or wife. Chances are you have more than one. Whatever and where ever the Lord has placed you, you are there for a reason. Your reason is also a calling and command from the Lord, "As you are going, make disciples" (Matthew 28:19-20). 

"As you are going" has to be one of my new favorite phrases. The Lord doesn't tell us to wait to make disciples. You do not have to wait until you are on a mission trip out of the country, or the state, to make disciples. It starts here. It starts in your life, today. Its time we start caring about those around us enough to share the gospel and love of Christ. What does that mean for you today? He wants to use you now. Think about it.

hanna grace <><
