my psalm 86 prayer

Sister, (and brother) we get weak. We become tired and worn. The struggle is so real. I mean the struggle of following Christ, but it is also so rewarding. It can often be discouraging to keep your fire when everyone is hiding their light under a basket or so it seems. I was reading Psalms 86 the other day and God really spoke to me. I feel like these words are things I should ask God for and praise him for daily. I took excerpts from the passage in Psalms and some are my own added words.

Incline your ear, O Lord, and answer me.
for I am poor and needy
there is none like you, O Lord, 
nor are there any works like yours
for you are great and do wonderful things
You alone are God
Teach me your way, O Lord
that I may walk in your truth
unite my heart to fear your name
I give thanks to you, 
O Lord my God
with my whole heart
and I will glorify your name forever
for great is your steadfast love toward me;
you have delivered my soul from the depths of Sheol.
You, O Lord are a God 
merciful and gracious
slow to anger
and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness
Turn to me 
and be gracious to me
give your strength to your servant
show me a sign of your favor
for you, O Lord 
are good and forgiving
abounding in steadfast love
to all who call upon you.

I want to encourage you to read Davids prayer that is written in Psalms.   

may you be blessed,
Hanna Grace <><
