I'm not a fan of teen dating

okay before you say anything, 1) yes I am in a relationship, and have been in the same one for a while. And 2) it used to drive me nuts when my mom would say this while I am still dating someone, but she has a point. Now lets move on to what I mean by teen dating. You will either fall into one of two categories. On one extreme you have worldly teen dating (WTD) and then you have purposeful dating (PD). WTD is what you see on TV and social media. It's the "what can I get from you/ what will you give me" mindset. These relationships are the "happy 1 week I love you so much bae". *gag me with a spoon*. I can say that these relationships are often meaningless and leave you heartbroken. I do not know from experience, but I see it way too often. This type of relationship that is formed is really a hazard, something that as Christian's, and just as people,we should flee from. Proverbs 4:23 tells us to guard our hearts. It really is true that what you put into y...