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I'm not a fan of teen dating

okay before you say anything, 1) yes I am in a relationship, and have been in the same one for a while. And 2) it used to drive me nuts when my mom would say this while I am still dating someone, but she has a point. Now lets move on to what I mean by teen dating. You will either fall into one of two categories. On one extreme you have worldly teen dating (WTD) and then you have purposeful dating (PD). WTD is what you see on TV and social media. It's the "what can I get from you/ what will you give me" mindset. These relationships are the "happy 1 week I love you so much bae". *gag me with a spoon*. I can say that these relationships are often meaningless and leave you heartbroken. I do not know from experience, but I see it way too often. This type of relationship that is formed is really a hazard, something that as Christian's, and just as people,we should flee from. Proverbs 4:23 tells us to guard our hearts. It really is true that what you put into y...

Freshman Year, NWCC pt 1

This first year has been a little crazy. Since I graduated in May 2016 I have been in school. Last June I took 6 hours, In the fall semester I took 16 hours, and in the Spring I thought It would be a great idea to take over 20 hrs!!!! I have met some wonderful people, and grown closer to some I already knew. I was a student recruiter for NWCC this past year, which was tons of fun, between APEX and giving campus tours. I was a work study in the Ranger Bookstore which was a total blessing! In August I was uncertain of my major, but also knew somewhere in the Health-Care field. In September I visited a school that I was interested in, and by October I was accepted there for the final fall semester. November was crazy with Finals coming up, but I was relieved by the time December came. I went on my second Winter mission trip with Navajo Missions  (click the link if you are interested in giving, or how you can pray specifically pray for them). In January classes started back and by ...


My heart and mind have been so restless recently. Am I where I should be? Will everything work out? But YALL, doors keep opening and I just keep walking through them. My plan is to just walk through all of God's open doors until He starts shutting them. He HAS started something SO GOOD and HE WILL FINISH what He started. Today I am reminded that I need to just sit back down and watch my heavenly Father at work! Be praying for me as big & important things are happening through these next few weeks. I don't have a back up plan now, and so I just KNOW that the Lord is going to come through. I have a great peace about it. Hillary Scott- Still   (Song of the Day) Love, HG <><
HE delights in our specific prayers I believe that God is a God of specifics. He didn't just make plants or animals. He made flowers, trees, and cactuses. He made lions, Elephants, owls, and Dogs. He delights in us being specific in our prayers because He is the one who truly knows our hearts; so He can see through the walls we build up. I believe that when we become "real" with each other and especially God, that he is able to make a  great change within our lives and hearts. Don't let the World fool you. You're not the only one with struggles. You're not the only one who questions if this is the major you really should be in. You're not alone. Be specific in your prayers to God and He will be specific in answering them. My Jesus is so good. He is so faithful, and "wherever He Leads I'll go". You delight in showing mercy, and mercy triumphs over judgement!! Hanna Grace <><

Keepin' it real y'all

Someone said "take it easy" as they left the bookstore today. I'll admit I wanted to burst into tears. I definitely teared up and had to take a minute to calm down (I'm already an emotional person and college isn't helping LOL(it's also in my genes hahaha mom)). I haven't heard that phrase in almost 8 months. My Pepe always said that every time we left, that was his "goodbye". I knew it would be one of the things I would remember about him when I started thinking that he would be really sick soon. 8 months. It feels like yesterday but it hasn't been that long. 8 months of going to your house and waiting for you to show up just like you had run to the store or taken the dog for a walk or had come out of the computer room. I'll admit that for a while I pretended that that's where you had gone. 8 months of seeing huge candy bars and wishing I was sharing one with you. 8 months of wishing I could bake you something again. A couple m...

In the morning when I rise, give me Jesus

A few people have asked me recently why I haven't been blogging. Well the truth is I've been trying, since at least March, but I just haven't made it yet. I think constantly of new topics to share but constantly feel inadequate in my experience, words, or guidance to share with those younger (or older than me) my thoughts on certain topics. The Lord's been showing me recently that I need to let him be my joy. I need to be filled with his love for his people and be his vessel in showing joy and love and kindness and compassion. I need to not be so focused on my inadequacy and focus more on how perfect my maker is. So, today I will not feel inadequate. Today I will show his love and kindness and joy and compassion and peace and patience through my broken life. Today I will not question my maker. Lord, let me be your vessel.  Romans 9:19-23  19 You will say to me then, “Why does he still find fault? For who can resist his will?”  20 But who are you, O man, to answe...

Navajo Winter Mission Trip 2015

This past week, December 26- January 2, I had the chance to go to Arizona. I love the Navajo people and I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to go! We loaded the bus early Saturday morning, and after going through river flooding warnings, flash flood warnings, tornado warnings and watches, we finally arrived at our hotel in Amarillo, TX and were--at last--under a blizzard warning. I will admit that I really did not think it was going to snow that night, because we were in Texas (!!!) BUT GOD, yes, his plans are always better than ours!! We were snowed in that night and the next morning we were able to have a church service together in our hotel's meeting room. I-40 finally opened and we were able to head to Arizona Tuesday morning. Upon arriving, we ate dinner and we were off to bed! Wednesday we worked to organize food, toys, and clothing, then to place them back on to trailers and U-Haul's. After spending the morning organizing at Chinle, we were able to accept the rus...