Freshman Year, NWCC pt 1

This first year has been a little crazy. Since I graduated in May 2016 I have been in school. Last June I took 6 hours, In the fall semester I took 16 hours, and in the Spring I thought It would be a great idea to take over 20 hrs!!!! I have met some wonderful people, and grown closer to some I already knew. I was a student recruiter for NWCC this past year, which was tons of fun, between APEX and giving campus tours. I was a work study in the Ranger Bookstore which was a total blessing! In August I was uncertain of my major, but also knew somewhere in the Health-Care field. In September I visited a school that I was interested in, and by October I was accepted there for the final fall semester. November was crazy with Finals coming up, but I was relieved by the time December came. I went on my second Winter mission trip with Navajo Missions (click the link if you are interested in giving, or how you can pray specifically pray for them). In January classes started back and by February those 20+ credit hours dropped to 19, after I had an emergency surgery to remove my appendix. In March I turned 18 and started my first "big girl" job and by April, I was once again worried about finals and had already quit that "big girl" job. In May, finals came and went and I was once again in my happy place (PCB) with all my people!! Now, here it is somehow, JUNE, AGAIN and I am procrastinating on doing homework and studying for midterms. Hopefully this really condensed version of my past year, will give you some insight into how much I have loved this past year and how fast it flew by.

Now for the pictures, I'll try to stay in order!!

 July 2016
Mary Katherine is such a blessing to me! She is such a great encourager and loves other's so well!

Mary Cassidy and I at APEX 2016

MC has been very supportive of my love of photography and is ALWAYS down for a photo shoot!
Childhood Bestie, Makinlea! I love when she comes to visit

My roxy girl hates pictures but is so precious! I love how it looks like we are laughing together. She has horrible manners, but is the world's best welcomer, and makes my heart happy!!
August 2016

In August we toured The Mississippi University for Women (...and a few good men)! We LOVED IT.
 September 2016
This picture will always be precious to me. The reason I look so crazy, is because I was my sisters "grandma" for Goodies with Grands at their school during grandparents week. My MeMe was busy taking care of my ill aunt, It had been almost a year since my Pepe had passed away, our PawPaw passed away in 2011,  and my Grammy and Butch live in New Hampshire. Earlier that week my sister posted a picture on her Snapchat Story that said "Who wants to be my Grandparent :'(" along with the invitation. So, between classes and working, I dressed up to be her granny, and the look on her face was priceless. Love her still even when we act like we don't like each other at all. 


to be continued.....
