you do you, girlfriend.
These last few months I've learned some pretty important things about life. I've learned that life is short. I've also learned that there are people who won't like you no matter how nice you are to them. But, most importantly, I've learned how to make myself happy.
Not eh, "happy" with the sweet smile and small talk to everyone.
But the real kind of happy. The good time, laughing-until-you-can't-breathe, becoming yourself, kind of happy.
"Finding myself" has been a struggle. I know that no one is always in the best mood or has a great day every day. (sorry mom & dad) But in all honesty, this new journey has been wonderful. I feel so free now.
This time a year ago if you were to ask me anything along the lines of:
"What do you do in your free time?"
"What are some of your hobbies?"
"What do you like?"
I would honestly seem like the most boring person ever. God did not give me the gift of athleticism, and I'm not really all that musically talented either. Most of the time my answer was some variation of "I don't really know".
If you're someone who would answer the same way I used to, don't worry. That is not at all a bad thing. I had no idea where to begin when I started this journey. Start with Jesus. Let him show you where to go.
I started praying. A LOT . saying "a lot" is an understatement. But it worked!!! Here are things that have helped me.
Keep a journal. I love to write and going back to read how much I've changed over time.
Try new things. Trying new things is the easiest way to figure out what you do and do not like. Try new foods. Buy new clothes. Buy clothes that your mom doesn't like. Go a little crazy. (not too crazy though ;)) Meet new people. Make new friendships.
Find out what you don't like. When you find out what you don't like, don't keep acting like you do like it!! If converse or fringe boots aren't you, don't act like it is. You do you, girlfriend.
Don't allow yourself to be miserable. If you're unhappy, its okay to leave. Who cares what others think?
Find your best friends and stick with them. If they are actually your friend they will stand by you, and encourage you. They will understand why you've changed so much, and they know they should be happy for you too!!!
Mary Kathryn is pretty wonderful! |
Everyone needs a Makinlea in their life! Seriously, not sure what I would do without her. |
Mary Cassidy is awesome! |
This is Tommy. He's cool. He also has a pretty wonderful girlfriend. |
We love because he first loved us.
1 John 4:19
later darlings,
Hanna Grace <><
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