
Showing posts from November, 2014


you do you, girlfriend. These last few months I've learned some pretty important things about life. I've learned that life is short. I've also learned that there are people who won't like you no matter how nice you are to them. But, most importantly, I've learned how to make myself happy.  Not eh, "happy" with the sweet smile and small talk to everyone. But the real kind of happy. The good time, laughing-until-you-can't-breathe, becoming yourself, kind of happy. "Finding myself" has been a struggle. I know that no one is always in the best mood or has a great day every day.  (sorry mom & dad) But in all honesty, this new journey has been wonderful. I feel so free now.  This time a year ago if you were to ask me anything along the lines of: "What do you do in your free time?" "What are some of your hobbies?" "What do you like?" I would honestly seem like the most boring person ever. Go...


Oh, how I wished I lived in the 1930's! I just adore the fashion of the times before me. It all seemed so elegant, classy, and timeless. However, I am sure they had issues with modesty then too, because nothing is new. (at least, not to the Lord. Ecclesiastes 1:9)  These days, over and over, I believe that modesty is looked at as a list of do's and don't's. That, however is not the case.  I am involved in many bible studies and even my school work is bible based. When it comes to the topic of modesty we, as females, are targeted over and over. We're told to cover our shoulders and legs so no guy will stare at us. In all honesty, guys will stare at girls no matter what they're wearing. Modesty isn't for guys. Modesty is for ourselves. Modesty is an honor- it's a right we have as young ladies. For me, modesty is a wonderful thing. When I or someone else dresses modestly, it is not to "cover ourselves" from the world. It is a way of sh...