Keepin' it real y'all
Someone said "take it easy" as they left the bookstore today. I'll admit I wanted to burst into tears. I definitely teared up and had to take a minute to calm down (I'm already an emotional person and college isn't helping LOL(it's also in my genes hahaha mom)). I haven't heard that phrase in almost 8 months. My Pepe always said that every time we left, that was his "goodbye". I knew it would be one of the things I would remember about him when I started thinking that he would be really sick soon. 8 months. It feels like yesterday but it hasn't been that long. 8 months of going to your house and waiting for you to show up just like you had run to the store or taken the dog for a walk or had come out of the computer room. I'll admit that for a while I pretended that that's where you had gone. 8 months of seeing huge candy bars and wishing I was sharing one with you. 8 months of wishing I could bake you something again. A couple m...