
Showing posts from April, 2015

my junior prom - Junior Journey Series

  A Night to Shine my twin ;) had to get that boy in there I was totally freaking out at this point because my shoe was stuck on my dress, thanks for helping me!! oh and there will be more to come!!! 


We do not deserve anything. All I can think of is this word. Entitlement. Give me. I need. I deserve. Mine. Want. Gotta have it. Give it to me. I hear these phrases way to often.  People in high authorities think they are entitled to the big bucks, nice cars, fancy houses.  Children believe that they can have the world, if only it would fit in their hands.  Teenagers have the mindset that they deserve freedom and privacy because they are almost adults. Those who do work think that they should not have to have money taken from them. Homosexuals think that they deserve to marry one another because they have a 'love' (temptation and sinful desires) for another.  Those who don't work think they should get money sent to them every month that is taken out of the working peoples' paychecks. Sinners think that they deserve to live a worry free life, to have everything they want to be thrown at them and to be happy. If I've learned something in my p...