Pretty as a Picture
All of these "Snow days" (ha- homeschoolers have school anyway so..) are driving me nuts! Everything I look forward too keeps getting canceled and it's pretty upsetting, not gonna lie! However, It does make for some pretty pictures, I just wish there was a least some snow! This post is mainly just a mash up of all the pictures I have recently taken. I obsess over pictures & photography is my favorite hobby. So not wanting to keep you any longer, here ya go! ice covered trees!! wish we would have had snow! pumpkin wanted some "camera time" ice is just so beautiful Lyd wanted to be my model & it was snowing!! (Even though you can't see it, its the thought that counts right?) "how am I supposed to pose?" "take a pic of me jumping" she's so cute :) probably my favorite! She has such a personality! OH and I love to have "models" to practice taking pictures of, so if anyone ...